
Florey Family of Shelby, AL

Dead ends while researching family in early Alabama and the Antebellum South are common. Burned records can leave gaps that are impossible to bridge. But, sometimes all it takes a family story to help set you down the right path.  When using family history stories all facts should be suspect until proven through records. This sometimes means you have to bend the story a bit and ignore claims on the internet to find the true facts. While tracking down ancestors in Alabama from the 1830's I had to rely on a few the these techniques that I will share in this post. Edward Florey I first identified Edward Florey as a direct ancestor in the 1850 US census in Shelby County, Alabama. He and his wife, Susan, were both born in Maryland. There children: John, Henry, Adaline, and Catharine, were all born in Virginia. He is also listed in the slave schedules that year, with five people enslaved, no names given. In 1860, Edward is listed in the Harpersville, Shelby, Alabama census with his wife,...

Mathias Swartzel - Life in Ohio

From Germany to Pennsylvania to Maryland back to Pennsylvania and finally Ohio. There’s lots already known about Mathias Swartzel but my goal was to solidify all those details with historical records to prove their accuracy. I previously found a stack of records for Mathias and his family from Pennsylvania and Maryland. This post is focusing on the final years of his life in Ohio.

Swartzel Family Ohio Record Hunt

Yet another family record hunt complete! I had previously found a stash of records for the Schwartzel family in Pennsylvania. From there I tracked various members of the family to Maryland, Virginia, and Tennessee. This hunt was focused on the family of Mathias Swartzel as they moved to Ohio. I have previously analyzed his branch of the family from Pennsylvania.

Mathias Swartzel - Life in Pennsylvania

With so many new records being digitized and published online I figured now was a good time to update the profile of Mathias Swartzel. Much of what is known about him was published in the 1990’s and early 2000’s. With the help of the newly published records I hope to find some new facts and sort out older facts that may no longer fit into his story.

John Swortzel - Augusta, VA

If it weren’t for his wife, there would be no definitive proof. Regina Swortzel is the linchpin that ties Johannes Schwertzel, also known as John A Swortzel, to his father, Johan Henrich Schwartzel , and family in Pennsylvania. Through this post I hope to definitely link Johannes to this Schwartzel family and subsequently those families who moved to Greene, TN; Montgomery, OH; and Mifflin, PA.

John Swortzel Record Hunt

I have seen hints that the Swortzel family in Augusta County, Virginia were related to the Schwartzel's of Pennsylvania, but I have not previously seen any facts connecting the two. If we are able to make those connections I believe there is definitive proof that Johann Henrich Schwartzel is the progenitor of the Swatzel's in Mifflin, PA; Montgomery, OH; Greene, TN ; and Augusta, VA.

Joanna Swatzel v John Dyche

I don't remember how I happened upon this case. Google may have magically included it in my ads because it knew I was looking for it. However I stumbled upon it, I'm glad I did because it ties together a couple of theories I had been piecing together about the origins of the Swatzel family in Greene County, Tennessee.

Philip Swatzel - Greene County, TN

Philip Swatzel appears in most genealogy research as a note alongside articles on Johan Henrich Schwartzel. “There is also a Philip Swatzel in Greene Tennessee in 1833 from Lancaster and Cumberland, PA.”

Swatzel Family Tennesse Record Dump

Another successful record hunt is in the books. This time my focus was on Greene County, Tennessee but also included nearby Cocke, Sullivan, and Washington Counties. The primary target for this hunt was Philip Swatzel and his immediate family.  

Johan Henrich Schwartzel

There’s no official beginning. There’s also no official end. Only a few pieces near the middle. My goal is to find the beginning if I can, but would be content for now with patching together the middle.