John Swortzel Record Hunt

I have seen hints that the Swortzel family in Augusta County, Virginia were related to the Schwartzel's of Pennsylvania, but I have not previously seen any facts connecting the two. If we are able to make those connections I believe there is definitive proof that Johann Henrich Schwartzel is the progenitor of the Swatzel's in Mifflin, PA; Montgomery, OH; Greene, TN; and Augusta, VA.

This family record hunt tracked the life of Johannes Schwartzel, also known as John A Swortzel, from Lancaster, PA through Washington, MD up to his death in Augusta, VA in 1815. Most of what I have found so far are index's and abstracts and I will need to perform some further hunts for more authentic sources. In a future post I will provide analysis of the records and how they prove the family lineage.

Anna Christina Schwertzel
Parents: John & wife
Birth: 26 Jul 1766
Baptism: 16 May 1766
Sponsor: Frederick Faxius & wife
Location: Schaefferstown, Lancaster County, PA
Elisabeth Schwärtzel
Parents: Johannes & Regina
Birth: 10 Sep 1772
Christening: 5 Jan 1773
Church: Christ Lutheran Church, Elizabethtown, Lancaster County, PA 
Source: John T. Humphrey Pennsylvania Births Lancaster County 1723-1777

Susana Schwertzel [Schwerzol]
Parents: Johannes & Regina
Birth: 10 Sep 1780
Christening: 6 Dec 1780
Sponsors: Adam Wolst & wife Susanna
Church: Reformed Congregation, Hagerstown, Washington County, MD

Catrin Heyberger
Parents: David
Baptism: 20 Feb 1794
Sponsor: Regina Schwerzele
Source: Peggy S Joyner St. John's Church Register : German and Lutheran, Augusta County, Virginia : 1786-1872
Anna Maria Heyberger
Parents: David
Baptism: 28 Nov 1795
Sponsor: Catharina Schwärzel
Source: Peggy S Joyner St. John's Church Register : German and Lutheran, Augusta County, Virginia : 1786-1872
Johannes Schwärtzel
Date: 1800
Church: St. John’s Reformed, Middlebrook, Augusta County, VA
Additional Information: Communion
Source: John T. Humphrey Pennsylvania Births Lancaster County 1723-1777
Johannes Schwartzel
Date: Nov 1801
Church: St. John’s Reformed, Middlebrook, Augusta County, VA
Additional Information: Communion
Source: John T. Humphrey Pennsylvania Births Lancaster County 1723-1777
Joh. Schwartzel
Date: 29 May 1803
Church: St. John’s Reformed, Middlebrook, Augusta County, VA
Additional Information: Communion
Source: John T. Humphrey Pennsylvania Births Lancaster County 1723-1777
Catarina Schwerssle
Frona Schwerzel
Maria Schwertzel
Date: 22 May 1803
Church: St. John’s Reformed, Middlebrook, Augusta County, VA
Additional Information: Communion
Source: John T. Humphrey Pennsylvania Births Lancaster County 1723-1777
Heinrich Schwabb
Parents: George
Baptism: 30 Sep 1804
Sponsor: Johannes Schwertzel
Source: John T. Humphrey Pennsylvania Births Lancaster County 1723-1777
Elisabeth Engelman
Parents: Wilhelm & Barbara
Birth: 4 Jan 1805
Baptism: 7 Apr 1805
Sponsor: Joh. Schwartzel
Source: John T. Humphrey Pennsylvania Births Lancaster County 1723-1777
Salame Schwerzle
Parents: Johannes
Baptism: 20 Nov 1805
Sponsors: Johannes Schwertzel & Maria Schmitt
Died: 13 Mar 1806
Source: John T. Humphrey Pennsylvania Births Lancaster County 1723-1777
Johannes Schwartzel
Date: 6 Apr 1806
Church: St. John’s Reformed, Middlebrook, Augusta County, VA
Additional Information: Communion
Source: John T. Humphrey Pennsylvania Births Lancaster County 1723-1777
Cadarina Schwartzel
Date: 1807
Church: St. John’s Reformed, Middlebrook, Augusta County, VA
Additional Information: Communion
Source: John T. Humphrey Pennsylvania Births Lancaster County 1723-1777
Catharina Behler
Parents: Martin & Barbara
Date: 3 Apr 1808
Church: St. John’s Reformed, Middlebrook, Augusta County, VA
Sponsors: Johanes Schwartzel & wife Catharina
Source: John T. Humphrey Pennsylvania Births Lancaster County 1723-1777
Cathrina Schwertzel
Date: 1811
Church: St. John’s Reformed, Middlebrook, Augusta County, VA
Additional Information: Communion
Source: John T. Humphrey Pennsylvania Births Lancaster County 1723-1777
Johannes Schwertzel
Baptism: 18 Sep 1813
Parents: Johannes
Church: St. John’s Reformed, Middlebrook, Augusta County, VA
Sponsors: Grandfather Johannes Schwerzle & wife Chatrina
Source: John T. Humphrey Pennsylvania Births Lancaster County 1723-1777
Henrich Schwertzle
Parents: Johannes
Date: 10 Mar 1815
Church: St. John’s Reformed, Middlebrook, Augusta County, VA
Source: John T. Humphrey Pennsylvania Births Lancaster County 1723-1777
Jacob Schwertzle
Parents: Johannes
Date: 26 Mar 1817
Church: St. John’s Reformed, Middlebrook, Augusta County, VA
Source: John T. Humphrey Pennsylvania Births Lancaster County 1723-1777
Swartly, John
Date: 1810
Location: Augusta County, VA
Additional Information: 1 male 45 and over
Additional Information: 1 female 45 and over

Swatsel, John
Date: ~1812
Location: Virginia
Additional Information: 5 Reg't (McDowell's) Virginia Militia
Additional Information: In: Private; Out: Private

Swetsol, John
Date: ~1812
Location: Maryland
Additional Information: 1 Reg't (Ragan's) Maryland Militia
Additional Information: In: Private; Out: Private
Swatsell, John
Date: ~1812
Location: Virginia
Additional Information: 3 Reg't (Johnson's) Maryland Militia
Additional Information: In: Private; Out: Private

Swatsley, John
Date: 1800
Location: Augusta County, VA

John Swartsell Jr.
John Swartsell Sr.
Catharine Swartsell
Date: Dec 1814
Location: Augusta County, VA
Additional Information: which John Swartzell said bought of Martha Williams and Ann Downey
Note: Images are not complete and I need to retake them

John Swartsley
Date: 20 Sep 1791
Location: Augusta County, VA
Additional Information: Martha Downey, William Downey, and Ann Downing, his wife
Additional Information: in Beverley Manor on Mill Creek
Source: Lyman Chalkley Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlement in Virginia: Extracted ..., Vol 3
Note: See Court Record for Blair v. Downey

John A Swortzel
Birth: 1742
Death: 1815
Burial: Saint Johns Reformed United Church of Christ
Location: Middlebrook, Augusta County, VA

John Andrew Swortzel, Sr
Birth: 19 Feb 1775
Death: 8 May 1849
Burial: Mount Tabor Lutheran Church Cemetery
Location:Middlebrook, Augusta County, VA

Susanna Towerman Swortzel
Birth: 15 Sep 1783
Death: 13 Jul 1894
Burial: Mount Tabor Lutheran Church Cemetery
Location:Middlebrook, Augusta County, VA
Additional Information: Consort of John Swortzel Sr

Court Records
John Swartzley
Case: Blair v. Downey
Location: Augusta County, VA
Additional Information: William Blair contesting the will of Samuel Downey regarding the land John Swartzley purchased.
Additional Information: Includes survey of land

Mary Swartzley
John Swartzley
Date: 29 Dec 1794
Additional Information: Marriage Bond
Groom: Jacob Wiseman
Father: John Swartzley
Source: Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish settlement in Virginia, ... v. 2.


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