Schwartzel Family Pennsylvania Record Dump

After several record hunts through the local libraries and FamilySearch archives I’ve collected about as much data on the Schwartzel family as I can without a trip to Pennsylvania. While sifting through the records and indexes I have found over 24 variations and counting of spelling their surname. I don’t expect all of these records to be accurate matches to the Schwartzel family, but better to cast a wider net and narrow my focus later than miss out with the limited time I have at the library.

This post is meant to be mostly a data dump of the records I’ve found and a starting point for further research. I have listed many of the details from each of the records and the source for most if they came from a book. You can click on each of the images to see them full size and download them for your records. In future posts I’ll provide further analysis on these records, probably on a per person or family branch basis.

Census Records

Swartwell, Mathias
Location: Providence, Bedford County, PA
Date: 1786
Swartzel, Joseph 
Location: Union Township, Mifflin County, PA
Date: 1800

Swartzel, Andrew
Location: Union Township, Mifflin County, PA
Date: 1800
Swartzel, Geo
Location: Union Township, Mifflin County, PA
Date: 1800
Swartzel, Henry
Location: Union Township, Mifflin County, PA
Date: 1800
Swertzel, Mathias
Location: Brothersvalley, Somerset County, PA
Date: 1800
Additional Information: 1 male of age 26 and under 45
Additional Information: 1 female of age 26 and under 45
Swartzly, Matthias
Location: Providence, Bedford County, PA
Date: 1800
Additional Information: 1 male of age 16 and under 26
Additional Information: 1 male of age 45 and over
Additional Information: 1 female under age 10
Additional Information: 1 female of age 16 and under 26
Additional Information: 1 female of age 45 and over
Swartzel, Mathias
Location: Bedford County, PA
Date: 1790
Additional Information: 3 males under 16; 2 males over 16; 3 females
Source: Heads of Families at the first census of the United States - Pennsylvania

Swartsel, Peter
Location: Bedford County, PA
Date: 1790
Additional Information: 1 males over 16; 5 males under 16; 5 females
Source: Heads of Families at the first census of the United States - Pennsylvania

Tax Records

Swatel, John 
Location: Lancaster Borough, Lancaster County, PA
Date: 1763

Shwertzel, Jost 
Location: Lebanon, Lancaster County, PA
Date: 1779

Swartzel, George
Location: Lancaster County, PA
Date: 1772
Source: Index to Lancaster County Tax Records vol 5

Swartz, Yost
Location: Lebanon Township, Lancaster County, PA
Date: 1772
Additional Information: Inmate
Source: Sowers Colonial Taxes, Lebanon Township, Lancaster Co., PA 1750-1783
Swartzel, Yost
Location: Lebanon Township, Lancaster County, PA
Date: 1781
Source: Sowers Colonial Taxes, Lebanon Township, Lancaster Co., PA 1750-1783

Sweitzel, Jost
Location: Lebanon Township, Lancaster County, PA
Date: 1781
Source: Sowers Colonial Taxes, Lebanon Township, Lancaster Co., PA 1750-1783
Sweitzel, Jost
Location: Lebanon Township, Lancaster County, PA
Date: 1779
Source: Sowers Colonial Taxes, Lebanon Township, Lancaster Co., PA 1750-1783
Sweitzel, Jost
Location: Lebanon Township, Lancaster 
Date: 1783
Source: Sowers Colonial Taxes, Lebanon Township, Lancaster Co., PA 1750-1783
Swertz, Yost
Location: Lebanon Township, Lancaster County, PA
Date: 1772
Additional Information: Inmate
Source: Sowers Colonial Taxes, Lebanon Township, Lancaster Co., PA 1750-1783
Swentzel, Yost
Location: Lebanon Township, Lancaster County, PA
Date: 1780
Source: Sowers Colonial Taxes, Lebanon Township, Lancaster Co., PA 1750-1783
Swertzel, Jost
Location: Lebanon Township, Lancaster County, PA
Date: 1779
Additional Information: 120 acres, 4 Horses, 6 Cattle
Source: Pennsylvania Archives Series 3 vol XVII
Source: Sowers Colonial Taxes, Lebanon Township, Lancaster Co., PA 1750-1783

Swertzel, Yost
Location: Lebanon Township, Lancaster County, PA
Date: 1 Sep 1780

Swertzel, Jost
Location: Lebanon Township, Lancaster County, PA
Date: 1783
Source: Sowers Colonial Taxes, Lebanon Township, Lancaster Co., PA 1750-1783
Swartzel, Jost
Location: Londonderry Township, Lancaster County, PA
Date: 1782
Additional Information: 400 acres, 3 horses, 4 cattle
Swatzel, Henry
Location: Antrim Township, Cumberland County, PA
Date: 1782
Additional Information: 2 cows, 2 horses
Swartsel, Henry
Location: Antrim Township, Cumberland County, PA
Date: 1781
Additional Information: 2 cows, 1 horse
Swartson, Henry
Location: Antrim Township, Cumberland County, PA
Date: 1776
Additional Information: 2 cows, 1 horse
Swartsell, Henry
Location: Antrim Township, Cumberland County, PA
Date: 1780
Additional Information: 2 cows, 1 horse
Swartser, Henry
Location: Antrim Township, Cumberland County, PA
Date: 1775
Additional Information: 2 cows
Swartsell, Henry
Location: Antrim Township, Cumberland County, PA
Date: 1782
Additional Information: 2 cows, 1 horse
Swartsell, Henry
Location: Antrim Township, Cumberland County, PA
Date: 1780
Additional Information: 2 cows, 1 horse
Swirtzey, Henry
Location: Antrim Township, Cumberland County, PA
Date: 1779
Additional Information: 1 cow
Swartzel, Andrew
Location: Armagh, Cumberland County, PA
Date: 1786
Additional Information: Freeman

Swartzell, Andrew
Location: Armagh, Cumberland County, PA
Date: 1788
Additional Information: Freeman
Swartzell, Andrew
Location: Armagh, Mifflin County, PA
Date: 1789
Additional Information: Freeman
Swartzell, Joseph
Location: Armagh, Cumberland County, PA
Date: 1785-89
Additional Information: Taxed
Swartzell, Joseph
Location: Armagh, Mifflin County, PA
Date: 1790
Additional Information: 400 acres; 1 horse; 1 cow
Source: Franklin Ellis History of that part of the Susquehanna and Juniata valleys
Swartzel, Joseph
Location: Union Township, Mifflin County, PA
Date: 1791
Additional Information: 400 acres
Source: Franklin Ellis History of that part of the Susquehanna and Juniata valleys
Swartzell, Joseph
Location: Union Township, Mifflin County, PA
Date: 1798
Additional Information: Value: 10; Log Structure
Swartzell, Joseph
Location: Armagh, Cumberland County, PA
Date: 1785
Additional Information: 2 horses, 2 cows
Swartzell, Joseph
Location: Armagh, Cumberland County, PA
Date: 1786
Additional Information: 2 horses, 2 cows
Swartzell, Joseph
Location: Armagh, Cumberland County, PA
Date: 1787
Additional Information: 500 acres, 2 horses, 2 cows
Swartzell, Joseph
Location: Armagh, Cumberland County, PA
Date: 1788
Additional Information: 500 acres, 2 horses, 2 cows
Swartzell, Joseph
Location: Armagh, Mifflin County, PA
Date: 1789

Swartzwell, Mathias
Location: Providence Township, Bedford County, PA
Date: 1784
Additional Information: 10 Residents
Source: William Henry Egle Returns of taxables for the counties of Bedford (1773 to 1784) ...

Swartswill, Mathias
Location: Providence Township, Bedford County, PA
Date: 1783
Additional Information: 100 acres; 2 horses; ? cattle; 3 sheep; 2 women; 8 Children; 1 cabin; 1 barn
Source: William Henry Egle Returns of taxables for the counties of Bedford (1773 to 1784) ...

Swatswell, Mathias
Location: Providence Township, Bedford County, PA
Date: 1786
Additional Information: 100 acres; 2 horses; 2 cattle

Swartsly, Mathias
Location: Providence Township, Bedford County, PA
Date: 1788
Additional Information: 150 acres; 2 horses; 2 cows

Swartsly, Mathias
Location: Providence Township, Bedford County, PA
Date: 1789

Swartzly, Mathias
Location: Providence Township, Bedford County, PA
Date: 1781

Swartswell, Mathias
Location: Providence Township, Bedford County, PA
Date: 1785

Swartsley, Mathias
Location: Providence Township, Bedford County, PA
Date: 1787

Swartsley, Mathias
Location: Providence Township, Bedford County, PA
Date: 1789
Additional Information: 100 acres; 2 horses; 2 cows

Swartzley, Mathias
Location: Providence Township, Bedford County, PA
Date: 1782

Swartzley, Matthias
Location: Providence Township, Bedford County, PA
Date: 1796
Additional Information: 200 acres; 1 dwelling; 1 barn; 2 horses; 2 cattle

Swartzley, Mathias
Location: Providence Township, Bedford County, PA
Date: 1797

Swartsel, Mathias
Location: Elklick Township, Somerset County, PA
Date: 1797
Additional Information: 275 acres

Swartsley, Mathias
Location: Providence Township, Bedford County, PA
Date: 1799
Additional Information: 150 acres; 1 horse; 1 cattle

Swartsley, Mathias
Location: Providence Township, Bedford County, PA
Date: 26 Feb 1791
Additional Information: 200 acres; 2 horse; 2 cattle

Swartsley, Mathias
Location: Providence Township, Bedford County, PA
Date: 26 Feb 1791
Additional Information: Freeman

Swarthley, Mathias
Location: Providence Township, Bedford County, PA
Date: 1802
Additional Information: 200 acres; 2 horses; 3 cattle

Swarthley, Henry
Location: Providence Township, Bedford County, PA
Date: 1802
Additional Information: 1 horse

Swartsley, Henry
Location: Providence Township, Bedford County, PA
Date: 1804
Additional Information: 200 acres; 2 horses; 1 cow

Swartsley, Henry
Location: Providence Township, Bedford County, PA
Date: 1804
Additional Information: 2 horses; 2 cows

Swartsley, Henry
Location: Providence Township, Bedford County, PA
Date: 23 Mar 1805

Swartsley, Henry
Location: Providence Township, Bedford County, PA
Date: 23 Mar 1805

Church Records

Schwertzler, Andrew
Parents: Jost & wife
Church: Heidelberg Congregation Church,
Location: Schafferstown, Lancaster County, PA
Birth: 25 Feb 1765
Baptism: 1 Sep 1765
Sponsors: Andrew Ley and wife
Source: F. Edward Wright Early Church Records of Lebanon County Pennsylvania
Schwertzel, Anna Christine
Parents: John & Wife
Church: Heidelberg Congregation Church
Location: Schafferstown, Lancaster County, PA
Birth: 26 Jul 1766
Baptism: 10 Aug 1766
Sponsors: Frederick Faxius and wife
Source: F. Edward Wright Early Church Records of Lebanon County Pennsylvania
Schwaerzel, Maria Catharine
Parents: Jost & Susanna
Church: Cocalico Reformed Church
Location: Ephrata Township, Lancaster County, PA
Birth: 2 Jan 1767
Baptism: 24 May 1767
Sponsors: Catharine Busch
Source: F. Edward Wright Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Church Records of the 18th Century
Schwaerzel, John George
Parents: Jost & Susanna
Church: Reiher’s Reformed Church
Location: Near Brickerville, Lancaster County, PA
Birth: 2 Oct 1768
Baptism: 6 Nov 1768
Sponsors: George Glass and wife Eva
Source: F. Edward Wright Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Church Records of the 18th Century
Schwarzel, Catharine
Spouse: John Graham
Church: Trinity Lutheran Church, Lancaster County, PA
Location: Lancaster County, PA
Date: 22 Apr 1780
Source: Trinity Lutheran Church Records Lancaster, Pennsylvania vol. 2 1767-1782
Schwarzle, Elsabet
Spouse: Adam Beyerle
Church: Trinity Lutheran Church, Lancaster County, PA
Location: Lancaster County, PA
Date: 14 Aug 1791
Source: Trinity Lutheran Church Records Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Schwerzel, Maria
Spouse: Henrich Bradley
Church: Trinity Lutheran Church 
Location: Lancaster County, PA
Date: 6 Apr 1800
Source: Trinity Lutheran Church Records Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Schwurtzel, Elisabeth
Parents: Johannes & Regina
Church: Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church
Location: Elizabethtown, Lancaster County, PA
Birth: 10 Sep 1772
Baptism: 5 Jan 1773
Sponsors: The father and his single sister, Elis. Ranigin
Note: Printed on transparent tracing-paper
Source: Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church Elizabeth Town, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Parish Records 1770-1904
Schwertzel, Matthias
Spouse: Catharine Barbara Laey
Church: The Hill Church (Lutheran)
Location: Lancaster County, PA
Date: 2 Dec 1760

Schwertzele, Joseph
Date: Bef. 1800
Church: Reformed Church
Location: Schafferstown, Lancaster County, PA
Note: Early member; another Joseph is denoted “(Jost)” but not this one.
Source: A.S. Brendle, Esq., A.M. A Brief History of Schaefferstown
Schwartzle, Elizabeth
Parents: Joseph and Susanna
Church: Lutheran Church
Location: Schafferstown, Lancaster County, PA
Birth: 28 Sep 1784
Sponsors: Martin Kramer & wife
Schwertzele, Andrew
Parents: Joseph and wife
Church: Reformed Church
Location: Schafferstown, Lancaster County, PA
Date: 25 Feb 1765
Sponsors: Andrew Lay and wife
Schwartzel, Elizabeth
Parents: Johannes and Regina
Church: Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church
Location: Elizabethtown, Lancaster County, PA
Birth: 10 Sep 1772
Baptism: 5 Jan 1773
Schwarzel, Henrich
Parents: Jost and Susanna
Church: First Reformed Church
Location: Lebanon, Lancaster County, PA
Birth: 5 Nov 1776
Source: William Henry Egle Notes and Queries, Historical and Genealogical Relating Chiefly to Interior Pennsylvania

Land Records

Schewetzel, Henry
Location: Londonderry Township, Lancaster County, PA
Date: 21 May 1763
Source: Edward N. Wevodau Abstracts of Lancaster CO., PA Deed ... (BKS. R,S,T,U) 1774-1789 vol. 2
Source: Lancaster County Deeds Book R 566
Swatzell, George
Location: Union Township, Mifflin County, PA
Date: 3 Jun 1802
Additional Information: Land Warrant
Additional Information: Returned 13 Mar 1812
Additional Information: Land Patent
Additional Information: Book H, No. 6, p 748
Additional Information: Survey

Additional Information: Book C 199

Swatzell, George
Location: ArmaghTownship, Mifflin County, PA
Date: 27 Jun 1854
Additional Information: Land Warrant
Additional Information: Returned 13 Oct 1864
Additional Information: Survey

Additional Information: Book D 5
Swatzell, George
Location: ArmaghTownship, Mifflin County, PA
Date: 27 Sep 1855
Additional Information: Land Warrant
Additional Information: Returned 13 Oct 1864
Additional Information: Land Patent
Additional Information: Book H, No. 58, p 318
Additional Information: Survey
Additional Information: Book D 5
Swartzell, George
Location: ArmaghTownship, Mifflin County, PA
Date: 2 Nov 1863
Additional Information: Land Warrant
Additional Information: Returned 2 Nov 1863
Additional Information: Land Patent
Additional Information: George Swartzell - heirs
Additional Information: Book H, No. 54, p 674
Additional Information: Survey
Additional Information: Book C 208
Swartzell, Andrew
Location: ArmaghTownship, Mifflin County, PA
Date: 13 Oct 1864
Additional Information: Land Warrant
Additional Information: Returned 13 Oct 1864
Additional Information: Land Patent
Additional Information: Book H, No. 60, p 149
Additional Information: Survey
Additional Information: Book D 5

Swatzel, Mathias
Location: Providence Township, Bedford County, PA
Date: 19 Sep 1803
Additional Information: Warrant application
Additional Information: 39 acres at headwaters of Brush Creek
Additional Information: First settled in 1780

Swartzell, Andrew
Location: ArmaghTownship, Mifflin County, PA
Date: 13 Jul 1868
Additional Information: Land Warrant
Additional Information: Returned 13 Jan 1898
Additional Information: Land Patent
Additional Information: John Swartzell
Additional Information: Book H, No. 75, p 418
Additional Information: Survey
Additional Information: Book C 225
Swartzell, Joseph
Location: ArmaghTownship, Mifflin County, PA
Date: 10 Jun 1869
Additional Information: Land Warrant
Additional Information: Returned 12 Aug 1869
Additional Information: Land Patent
Additional Information: Book H, No. 64, p 126
Additional Information: Survey
Additional Information: Book C 226
Swartzell, Mosheim F.F.
Location: Armagh Township, Mifflin County, PA
Date: 7 Nov 1894
Additional Information: Land Warrant
Additional Information: Returned 29 Mar 1897
Additional Information: Land Patent
Additional Information: Book H, No. 75, p 280
Additional Information: Survey
Additional Information: Book C 225
Swartsel, John
Location: Allegheny Township, Huntingdon County, PA
Date: 7 Jan 1797
Additional Information: Land Warrant
Additional Information: Returned 13 Aug 1833
Additional Information: Land Patent
Additional Information: Arthur Moore

Schwertzel, Henry
Spouse: Anna Catharine
Location: Derry Township, Lancaster County, PA
Date: 12 Mar 1773
Source: Edward N. Wevodau Abstracts of Lancaster CO., PA Deed 1786-1797 vol. 5
Source: Lancaster County Deeds Book FF 135


Family Records

McDowell, Joseph 
Spouse: Swartzell
Location: Mifflin County, PA 
Additional Information: Marriage 2; Iowa
Source: Raymond Martin Bell Mifflin County, Pennsylvania Families and Records before 1800
McDowell, Samuel
Spouse: Swartzell
Location: Mifflin County, PA
Source: Raymond Martin Bell Mifflin County, Pennsylvania Families and Records before 1800

Cemetery Records

Swartzell, Henry
Old Salem Lutheran Cemetery, Mifflin County, PA
Death: 12 Mar 1866
Additional Information: Age 48 years 3 months 24 days
Note: Inferred Birth ~18 Nov 1817
Source: Bob and Mary Closson Index to "Mifflin County" Cemetery Records vol 1 & 2
Swartzell, John Murphy
Parents: John & Sarah
Location: Old Salem Lutheran Cemetery, Mifflin County, PA
Date: 25 Mar 1850
Additional Information: Age 9 months
Note: Inferred Birth ~ Jun 1849
Source: Bob and Mary Closson Index to "Mifflin County" Cemetery Records vol 1 & 2
Swartzel, George
Location: Old Salem Lutheran Cemetery, Mifflin County, PA
Death: 10 Sep 1840
Additional Information: Age 71 years 11 months 21 days
Note: Inferred Birth ~19 Oct 1768
Source: Bob and Mary Closson Index to "Mifflin County" Cemetery Records vol 1 & 2
Swartzell, Anna
Spouse: George
Location: Old Salem Lutheran Cemetery, Mifflin County, PA
Death: 29 May 1875
Additional Information: Age 88 years 11 months 10 days
Note: Inferred Birth ~19 Jul 1786
Source: Bob and Mary Closson Index to "Mifflin County" Cemetery Records vol 1 & 2
Swartzell, John
Parents: George & Anna
Location: Old Salem Lutheran Cemetery, Mifflin County, PA
Birth: 4 Dec 1819
Death: 2 Jan 1902
Additional Information: Age 82 years 1 month 18 days
Source: Bob and Mary Closson Index to "Mifflin County" Cemetery Records vol 1 & 2
Swartzell, Sarah
Spouse: John
Location: Old Salem Lutheran Cemetery, Mifflin County, PA
Birth: 25 Oct 1819
Death: 24 Oct 1909
Additional Information: Age 89 years 11 months 30 days
Source: Bob and Mary Closson Index to "Mifflin County" Cemetery Records vol 1 & 2
Swartzell, Henry
Parents: Yost
Location: Ruble-Swartzell Cemetery, Armagh Township, Mifflin County, PA
Birth: 18 Oct 1775
Death: 1 Aug 1838
Source: Bob and Mary Closson Index to "Mifflin County" Cemetery Records vol 1 & 2
Swartzell, Ann 
Ruble-Swartzell Cemetery, Armagh Township, Mifflin County, PA
Birth: 18 Feb 1822
Death: 5 Dec 1822
Source: Bob and Mary Closson Index to "Mifflin County" Cemetery Records vol 1 & 2
Ruble, Ann
Parents: Matthias
Spouse: George Swartzell
Additional Information: George Swartzell Jr. was the grandfather of Mrs. George Herbst who is active (1976) in Mifflin Co. Historical Society.
Source: Bob and Mary Closson Index to "Mifflin County" Cemetery Records vol 1 & 2
Swartzell, Andrew
Spouse: Anna
Location: Woodlawn Cemetery, Miffilin, County, PA
Birth: 1825
Death: 1893
Source: Bob and Mary Closson Index to "Mifflin County" Cemetery Records vol 1 & 2
Swartzell, Anna M.
Spouse: Andrew
Location: Woodlawn Cemetery, Miffilin, County, PA
Birth: 2 May 1833
Death 13 Dec 1912
Source: Bob and Mary Closson Index to "Mifflin County" Cemetery Records vol 1 & 2
Swartzell, William G.
Parents: Andrew and Anna M.
Location: Woodlawn Cemetery, Miffilin, County, PA
Birth: 3 May 1860
Death: 16 Oct 1862
Source: Bob and Mary Closson Index to "Mifflin County" Cemetery Records vol 1 & 2
Swartzell, Robert M.
Parents: Andrew and Anna M.
Location: Woodlawn Cemetery, Miffilin, County, PA
Birth: 25 Dec 1871
Death: 25 Aug 1872
Source: Bob and Mary Closson Index to "Mifflin County" Cemetery Records vol 1 & 2
Swartzell, James M.
Parents: Andrew and Anna M.
Location: Woodlawn Cemetery, Miffilin, County, PA
Birth: 1866
Death: 1915
Source: Bob and Mary Closson Index to "Mifflin County" Cemetery Records vol 1 & 2

Military Records

Swartsel, Philip
Date: 18 May 1781
Location: Cumberland County, PA
Additional Information: 1st Battalion 7th Company 3rd Class Cumberland Militia Commanded by Col. James Johnston
Swartsel, Philip
Date: 1782
Location: Cumberland County, PA
Additional Information: 1st Battalion 7th Company 3rd Class Cumberland Militia Commanded by Col. James Johnston
Swartsel, Joseph
Date: 1782
Location: Lancaster County, PA
Additional Information: 9th Battalion 2nd Company 4th Class Lancaster Militia Commanded by Capt. Patrick Hays
Note: Every White Male between ages 18 and 53 in 1782
Swertswell, Joseph
Date: 17 Nov 1781
Location: Lancaster County, PA
Additional Information: 9th Battalion 2nd Company 4th Class Lancaster Militia Commanded by Capt. Patrick Hays
Note: Every White Male between ages 18 and 53 in 1781
Swartzell, Jacob
Date: 1781
Location: Lancaster County, PA
Additional Information: Muster Roll of 2nd Battalion 3rd Class

Probate Records

Swartzell, Joseph
Date: 9 June 1807
Location: Mifflin County, PA
Administrator: George Swartzell
Additional Information: Henry Swartzell & John Steed

Court Records

Swartsel, Mathias
Date: Feb 1802
Location: Bedford County, PA
Additional Information: Three French Crowns Stolen from Mathias in September 1801

Once I have these records sorted and tagged to the appropriate individuals I will share the GEDCOM files so others can use them in their trees.


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